Is It Mandatory To Give Insurance Companies A Recorded Statement After A Car Accident?
Most cases are bodily injury claims. If someone hit me and rear-ended me, they were clearly at fault. Most of the time, the victim will seek a recovery against the other person’s insurance company’s bodily injury policy. If it is their fault and they do not have any insurance, then you are forced to use your uninsured motorist insurance. At that point, you have to give a statement to your own insurance company. If the other person does have insurance, they will cover the losses for the claim, and you are not required to give a statement to the other person’s insurance company.
What If The Other Driver Has Already Paid For My Property Damage? Won’t He Simply Pay My Injury Claims?
Those claims are usually treated by different adjusters. There is an adjuster that only deals with the property damage claim, and they deal with getting you to a shop to get your car repaired and possible rentals. They are not the same people who handle bodily injury claims. Never assume that they will pay for personal injuries because they covered property damage.
If My Insurer Agrees That The Collision Was My Fault, Do I Still Have A Personal Injury Claim?
Your insurance company cannot make the determination that you were at fault in that situation. If your insurance company does make that determination, it does not necessarily prohibit you from pursuing a liability clause. Insurance companies make premature or wrong liability conclusions often. Sometimes they just have to be resolved in court.
Is It Automatically The Other Driver’s Fault If I Was Rear Ended?
Usually if you are hit from behind, there is a good chance that the person behind you is at fault. It isn’t automatically determined to be the case though. The other person will still have an opportunity to tell their side of the incident, and adjuster will also add information in order to reach the determination of fault.
For more information on Providing A Recorded Statement To Insurance, an initial consultation is your next best step. Get the information and legal answers you are seeking by calling (786) 785-2555 today.
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